Tussilago simmar i det gråa havet
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Kategori: Teckningar
Kategori: Teckningar
Kategori: Teckningar
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I have never in my whole life felt worthy; I’ve just been a person that hides behind a sheet. But now, ten years later I am one of the most successful murder investigators? It feels amazing. If someone had told me this ten years ago I probably would not believe my ears. I can tell you that my IQ is over the average number and I have an ability of seeing things that no one else sees. I do not know how I should explain this, but I am going to try. When my team and I are going to investigate a crime and we are at the crime scene I can see everything that happened there in pictures. The pictures are not detailed but I can see what really happened, some people actually call me Sherlock Holmes, but my name is Jonathan.
I went to the store right across the street, I was going to buy some normal stuff like milk, butter, tea, and I can tell you that I am a big fan of tea. Who does not like tea? Maybe I am one of these typical English men, I really don’t know. When I opened the door to the store I got a call from my boss. He told me that a man got killed just some hours ago in his apartment. I had to get there. My pulse started to beat harder; I did not know what I would see. Sometimes I actually can see the whole story just lying in front of me. Even if I am successful murder investigator my life is chaos. I do not understand feelings, so maybe I am dead inside?
When I arrived at the crime scene I got chocked, this did not look like an ordinary crime scene, it was no blood, no sign of that it had been a fight, the room were cleaned and the man that got killed lay in the sofa with a sheet over his body. It looked very strange. Why would a killer place the man in a sofa? The pictures started to fall over me and I took a deep breath. It was like lightening, just a very quick look on each picture. Two men. They had been drinking a lot. Then he had fell. I could not make this clear in my head. He had fell and then he was dead? One of the investigators lay a hand on my shoulder. I looked back at him. Why did everyone see me as a weak person? I had never in my whole life seen a crime seen like this; everything seemed untouched. I did not even get a full picture, just glimpses, but right now that did not help, I felt slow; this was not a normal thing for me. Because, for me it always popped up in my head and now it was something sneaky over the place, not clear.
“Jonathan, have you found something?” A man called Charles asked and I looked at him with my grey eyes, he looked confused and inside his pocket it was a paper with a name on. I took a deep breath and looked away from him, that was my weakness; I could not look at people. That made me unconfident.“Uhm, maybe this sound strange but we need to find something that don’t belong here. It can be a glass, a vase. Just something that doesn’t match the surrounding things.” I said and started to look under the sofa and on the table, I did not now why I did this, but I got a feeling that they had left something very important.“I have found something!” Said a man with glasses. He showed me a vase with a dragon, it was not a normal vase, and on the backside it was a piece of paper with a text, which did not seem to belong to a man.
Maybe this seems to be a strange thing for you to see. You did not expect this, right? It seems like I am speaking right to you, but guess. I know who you are Jonathan. I know what I am doing; we are working in the exact same way. I see things that no one else sees. I know what you see. You know who I am and I know who you are. Isn’t life perfect? Of course it is. When you read this sentence I am probably in another country. Cause when you went to the store this morning I passed you with my yellow car, you looked me in the eyes. If you see me you probably won’t recognize me. I have changed; I cut of my hair on the plane, fixed some lenses. I am as smart as you; don’t think you are going to get me.
You know where I am going. To the place you grow up. I created this case for you. I fixed three glasses, I put him in the sofa so that you would see three men and then you would have understand that it was fake cause it didn’t match it went wrong in your head. I know you better then you think. Who doesn’t know who you are? A successful murder investigator that knows everything about a person that you see for the first time?
Watch your back ~ Jenney
“She is going to France, I do not know how I know it. But we have to go now. I ask you, you and you to stay here. I go to France with Charles and Monica.” I said and watched them; I did not look them in the eyes. “And what murdered him is simple, it was a poison. Now when I have seen this letter I have another picture in my head.” I said and looked around.
“You see the two glasses over there. As I saw before, they drank. Not much but enough for him to start sweating, get dizzy and so on. You will find the poison in one of the glasses. I think it is botulinum toxin. This person Jenney is a proficient killer; she knows how to confuse people.” I said. “And to bee sure, examine his body. You will see that I am right.”
“How do you know?” Charles asked and looked at the body. He did not see anything that linked poison to the corpse.
“Do you see any wounds or punctures? No you don’t.” I said. “Let the medical examiners look at the body. Because they will get the same result as me.”
The suitcase lay on the shelf in a wardrobe; I took it down and opened it. Out of the bag it came a strong smell and it was full of worms of all sort. I looked down in the suitcase and saw a corner of a paper. The worms crawled in the bag, but I had to get the piece of paper. I closed my eyes and took carefully away the paper from the worms; the worms touched my pale skin. When I got the paper I closed my bag and went out from my bedroom. I did not want to read the text that was on the paper I know who had wrote it, it made me sick. This was a well-planned case; I could not see the next step, which scared me to death.
When we sat on the plane I opened the letter and bit my lip very carefully. Why did she do this to me? I was just an “ordinary” man. Monica, the investigator that sat next to me did not see my face when I read the letter, but I guess that was good, because this was worse than the first one. It seemed like she watched me. Was she on the plane?
I see that you seem confused over this letter, but do you really don’t know who you are hunting? For me you don’t see as smart as everyone think. Are you sure that this is the right job for you? Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. Who knows?
More people will die and your gorgeous friend is one of them, maybe not now, but soon you will see her get dizzy and sick. Then your other partner, Charles will blame you, just because you have a sick mind, he will try to kill you. Cause they had a very complicated relationship. How could you not know?
Escape your faith
I looked at Monica and then I looked at Charles. Was this a sick game? Yes, it was. Maybe it’s a lie. We might follow the wrong track. I wanted to hide under a sheet and never show myself again. We were all going to die some day, but Monica stood next, I could see her forehead started to sweat and she moved in the seat. I saw at the cup of coffee that stood on the retractable table.
“Don’t drink more of the coffee, you might get poisoned. But I know that you already are poisoned, we have to get you to a hospital.” I told her and got a punch in the face, but I think I deserve it, I would have read the letter before, but now she probably were going to die and it was my fault.
“What are you saying Jonathan?” Charles said and his eyes seemed to become black. I looked away.
“Yes, you know I am right and let me threw.” I said and now my eyes watched one of the airhostesses.
“SEATBELT ON.” A man said in the speaker.
Everything was planned perfectly, she now exactly what would happen. I felt sick, like I was going to throw up.
When we landed in France me and my colleges hurried of the plane, we had to catch her. But Charles and Monica were going to the hospital, which meant that I had to find her alone, that scared me. I was going the find Jenney alone, the woman that have murdered a man and tried to kill Monica, I did not even know if she was going to survive. Do you know how it feels to not know? You know that there is two options life or death; one of your colleges is going to die or survive and you don’t know which?
I had rent a room in one of the hotels in Paris; I can tell you that there is very many people here in Paris, I do not even know who she is, she might bee a person I know more than well?
In the room it was; a bed, a window, a wardrobe and a table with a chair, it was not much. But at least I hade somewhere to sleep, but I did not know if I would sleep that night, because I had to find her before she finds me. I lay down in the bed and heard a paper rustle in my bed. It was like someone placed a cold blanket on my fair skin, I got Goosebumps and my whole world just stopped. How could she now which hotel room that I had rented. That was too much. I pulled myself together before I took the piece of paper, which lay under the sheet. My heart started to sink and I could not breath. My whole world just stand still and everything seemed to go in slow motion.
Behind you
I rose and slowly I turned around. I saw the dark wooden wardrobe and I pulled the cabinet door open. I travelled back in time in my head. I had always been afraid of wardrobes and there in the wardrobe I can see a small boy sit on the floor, with tears streaming down his cheeks. I realize that it is me, sitting on the floor in my old wardrobe. My dad used to lock me in if I did not do as he told me and sometimes he hit me. Old memories overflowed my brain and I fell to the floor.
“DAD WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?” Little me screamed and looked at me with eyes full of tears. I closed my eyes and felt warm tears streaming, I opened them again and little me had disappeared and now it stood a woman in front of me. She hade black hair and her eyes were as blue as mine.
When I opened my eyes again I sat on a chair, my hands were bound and I could not move, it was one lamp in the corner of the big black room, but the rest of the room was totally black. I tried to move my hands; I wanted to escape my faith. After some minutes I actually I felt the rope slipping of my wrists. I bent down and tied of the ropes of my feet. I wiggled my toes; I could not feel them. Jenney opened the door and stepped in. All kind of thoughts flew threw my mind and I got a feeling of that I was going to faint. There were too many thoughts at one time, all I have read in my whole life, all I had seen. I see a black shimmering thing; I realize that it is a gun. She is aiming at me. I raise my hands, just to show her that I am not going to harm her. She cocked the gun and started to press down the trigger. I dodged and the bullet flew threw the air right in to the wall. I pulled my gun up and aimed at her left leg. I cocked the gun and looked at her. I slowly pulled the trigger and the bullet fired, right threw her left leg and she fell to the floor. I dropped the gun and kicked the chair. And then I heard her laugh. She was bleeding out and around her body started to become a puddle of blood.
After this I got to know that Monica had not survived the poison and Charles was not mad at me either, Jenney have had wrong. But somewhere deep inside me I knew that this was not over, I knew that someone was going to kill me soon. I felt it in my whole body. This was not good, but now we were going to Monicas funeral.
Charles did not cry; he had a stone face. After this Charles actually killed himself, he shot himself in the head. Later on I got a new partner called Liam.
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